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Your IP :

Current Path : /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-cfdb7/
Upload File :
Current File : /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-cfdb7/readme.txt

=== Contact Form 7 Database Addon - CFDB7 ===
Contributors: arshidkv12
Donate link:
Tags: cf7, contact form 7, contact form 7 db, contact form db, contact form seven, contact form storage, export contact form, save contact form, wpcf7
Requires at least: 4.8
Tested up to: 6.0
Stable tag:
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
Requires PHP: 5.6

Save and manage Contact Form 7 messages. Never lose important data. It is lightweight contact form 7 database plugin.

== Description ==

The "CFDB7" plugin saves contact form 7 submissions to your WordPress database. Export the data to a CSV file.
By simply installing the plugin, it will automatically begin to capture form submissions from contact form 7. 

= Features of CFDB 7 =

* No configuration is needed
* Save Contact Form 7 form submitted data to the database.
* Single database table for all contact form 7 forms
* Easy to use and lightweight plugin
* Developer friendly & easy to customize
* Display all created contact form 7 form list.
* Export CF7 DB (CF7 Database - cf7db) data in CSV file

= Android/iOS App =
* [Download APP](

= Pro Addons =
* [CFDB7 DB Switcher](
Connect CFDB7 to an external database or another DB
* [Drag & Drop File Upload](
Contact form 7 drag and drop files upload plugin.
* [Already Submitted?](
Trigger error if a field is already submitted
* [CF7 Repeater](
CF7 Repeater plugin allows creating one or more field dynamically
* [Popup Message](
Replace your validation and success messages into beautiful popup message to attract visitors.
* [Export PDF File](
Easy to export contact forms from database to PDF file

Support : [](
Extensions : [Contact form 7 more Add-ons](

== Installation ==

1. Download and extract plugin files to a wp-content/plugin directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the WordPress admin interface.
3. Done !

== Screenshots ==
1. Admin

== Changelog ==

= =
Fixed csv security issues 

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Fixed php 8.1 issues

= =
Fixed xss issues 

= =
Fixed nonce issue 

= =
Fixed upload issue 

= =
This is a security and maintenance release and we strongly encourage you to update to it immediately.

= =
Input sanitization